Name: Naomi and Bella
Date and Time:
2016.01.21, 3:00pm
Location: Chandler 260 (Making and Knowing Lab)
Subject: Safety Protocol
Name: Naomi and Bella
Date and Time:
2016.01.21, 3:00pm
Location: Chandler 260 (Making and Knowing Lab)
Subject: Verdigris setup
Weather: 23°F
- Glass jar & lid
- Copper sheet, about 2"X2"
- About 50ml Glacial Acetic acid
- 5" piece of cotton twine
A piece of copper plate is bent and clamped onto a 5” piece of string.
A glass mason jar is filled with about 1.5 cm of acetic acid solution.The copper is suspended over the acid solution, with the string placed across the mouth of the jar. The lid of the jar is closed over the string, holding it in place. The jar is labeled with the student’s name, the date, and the concentration of acid used. The jar is placed in the southwest fume hood.
Name: Naomi and Bella
Date and Time:
2016.01.27, 4:10pm
Location: Chandler 260 (Making and Knowing Lab)
Subject: Verdigris 6 days growth
A thin layer of green-blue is visible through the glass jar formed on the copper piece.

The formation is speckled and uneven. Some areas have more coverage than others.

The copper square is carefully removed from the jar without contacting the acid. This would dissolve our precious verdigris!

The verdigris is scraped off of the copper plate onto the glass plate. The verdigris is mulled with the carrier until it is an even consistency.

It it is painted on the canvas and labeled.
- note time
- note (changing) conditions in the room
- note temperature of ingredients to be processed (e.g. cold from fridge, room temperature etc.)
- document materials, equipment, and processes in writing and with photographs
- notes on ingredients and equipment (where did you get them? issues of authenticity)
- note precisely the scales and temperatures you used (please indicate how you interpreted imprecise recipe instruction)
- see also our informal template for recipe reconstructions